Computer Science Homework Help. Computer Science Cyber Security Discussion Questions

I?m working on a cyber security question and need guidance to help me learn.

“Computer Science Homework Help”,
“text”: “Computer Science Homework Help. Computer Science Cyber Security Discussion Questions

I’m working on a cyber security question and need guidance to help me learn. 1. Assume that Schnorr digital signature uses prime number p = 4637. Answer the following questions:(a) Find q which is the greatest prime factor of p – 1.(b) Find some positive integer a so that 1 < a < p and a q =p 1.(c) Assuming that s = 53 is a random private key, find the public key v corresponding to s.(d) Assuming that we use hash function H(µ) = µ mod 43 to digest messages for signing, find the signature of message M = ?hi? = 3334 (you must pick a random number between zero and q before finding the signature).(e) Illustrate how receiver will verify the obtained signature of part 1.d using global public key, the hash function H and the sender?s public key v.2. Assume that ElGamal digital signature uses prime number q = 7919 and its primitive root a = 1239. Answer the following questions:(a) Given the random private key XA = 4321, find its corresponding public key YA.(b) Assuming that ElGamal digital signature uses the hash function H(µ) = µ mod q, find the signature of message M = ?hello?.(c) Illustrate how receiver will verify the obtained signature of part 2.b using sender?s public key.3. List and compare the security of four classes of techniques for public key distribution. Computer Science Homework Help”,

“url”: “/computer-science-homework-help-11777/”

1. Assume that Schnorr digital signature uses prime number p = 4637. Answer the following questions:
(a) Find q which is the greatest prime factor of p – 1.
(b) Find some positive integer a so that 1 < a < p and a q =p 1. (c) Assuming that s = 53 is a random private key, find the public key v corresponding to s. (d) Assuming that we use hash function H(µ) = µ mod 43 to digest messages for signing, find the signature of message M = ?hi? = 3334 (you must pick a random number between zero and q before finding the signature). (e) Illustrate how receiver will verify the obtained signature of part 1.d using global public key, the hash function H and the sender?s public key v. 2. Assume that ElGamal digital signature uses prime number q = 7919 and its primitive root a = 1239. Answer the following questions: (a) Given the random private key XA = 4321, find its corresponding public key YA. (b) Assuming that ElGamal digital signature uses the hash function H(µ) = µ mod q, find the signature of message M = ?hello?. (c) Illustrate how receiver will verify the obtained signature of part 2.b using sender?s public key. 3. List and compare the security of four classes of techniques for public key distribution. Computer Science Homework Help