Writing Homework Help. University of Dayton Extend Outlet Mkt Project Presentation

I?m working on a marketing project and need a sample draft to help me study.

“text”: “Writing Homework Help. University of Dayton Extend Outlet Mkt Project Presentation

I’m working on a marketing project and need a sample draft to help me study. Its MKT Project Presentation and Written Report. So the Project is about (EXTEND OUTLET)LIKE ITS an outlet that extends out of the wall as an extension chord. doing advertisement for the product. so its a written report and Power Point Presentation. I will record my self but I need a power point also.The company we are going to link the product to called Verizon. My part to do is I.Your proposed product or serviceA.Name of product/serviceB.Unique/significant point of differenceC.Research data gathered through surveyII.Company/industry profile (this is the company that you are linking your product to). It may include some of the following: A. Mission B. History of company C. Vital statistics: products, brands, markets (customers), sales, market share, profits D. Industry information: competition, market shares, brand shares E. Current news (company and/or industry). Writing Homework Help”,
“answerCount”: 1,
“dateCreated”: “2022-03-11”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “Here is the solution for your q…”,
“dateCreated”: “2022-03-11”,
“url”: “/writing-homework-help-12000/”

Its MKT Project Presentation and Written Report. So the Project is about (EXTEND OUTLET)LIKE ITS an outlet that extends out of the wall as an extension chord. doing advertisement for the product. so its a written report and Power Point Presentation. I will record my self but I need a power point also.
The company we are going to link the product to called Verizon. My part to do is I.Your proposed product or service
A.Name of product/service
B.Unique/significant point of difference
C.Research data gathered through survey
II.Company/industry profile (this is the company that you are linking your product to). It may include some of the following:
A. Mission
B. History of company
C. Vital statistics: products, brands, markets (customers), sales, market share, profits
D. Industry information: competition, market shares, brand shares
E. Current news (company and/or industry).

Writing Homework Help