Health Medical Homework Help. Moraine Valley Community College Known Medical conditions Lab Report

“Health Medical Homework Help”,
“text”: “Health Medical Homework Help. Moraine Valley Community College Known Medical conditions Lab Report

Find a person to interview for the case study.3-page report. You will need to do an in-person interview (if it?s a child, with their parent).(All names are to be kept confidential.)Do not double space assessment info. A). Assessment:First name (NOT LAST)GenderAgeHeightWeightBMI (for infants to age 18, growth chart percentiles, weight for age, length for age and BMI for age)Known medical conditionsRx (prescriptions)/OTC medsPhysical ActivityB) 24 hr. recallEither by food log or through Q/A, retrieve the participants 24 diet recall.Turn in the 24 hr. recall (The recall counts for one page of the 3 page requirement, other 2 pages are all the assessments/recommendations/etc).BE specific! times of day, portion sizes, exercise, water intake!C) What are the general nutrition recommendations for your subject? Look up My Pyramid guidelines for your subject and info in the book based on your subjects age. (Links to an external site.)List 5-7 nutrition guidelines for your subject. example-1300 mg calcium per day, low fat choices- low fat, salt protein choices- etc D.) RecommendationsWhat recommendations, diet wise, are you recommending for your subject based on their history and current diet?How is their BMI or BMI for age? Any improvements they can make to diet? to exercise? If so what? If no, why not?Be specific and give sound reasoning. What interventions or education would you recommend?E.) Within your paper if you use any resources please provide a reference page Health Medical Homework Help”,

“url”: “/health-medical-homework-help-4189/”

Find a person to interview for the case study.
3-page report.
You will need to do an in-person interview (if it?s a child, with their parent).
(All names are to be kept confidential.)
Do not double space assessment info.
A). Assessment:
First name (NOT LAST)
BMI (for infants to age 18, growth chart percentiles, weight for age, length for age and BMI for age)
Known medical conditions
Rx (prescriptions)/OTC meds
Physical Activity

B) 24 hr. recall

Either by food log or through Q/A, retrieve the participants 24 diet recall.
Turn in the 24 hr. recall (The recall counts for one page of the 3 page requirement, other 2 pages are all the assessments/recommendations/etc).
BE specific! times of day, portion sizes, exercise, water intake!
C) What are the general nutrition recommendations for your subject? Look up My Pyramid guidelines for your subject and info in the book based on your subjects age. (Links to an external site.)
List 5-7 nutrition guidelines for your subject.
-1300 mg calcium per day, low fat choices
? low fat, salt protein choices
? etc
D.) Recommendations
What recommendations, diet wise, are you recommending for your subject based on their history and current diet?
How is their BMI or BMI for age?
Any improvements they can make to diet? to exercise? If so what? If no, why not?
Be specific and give sound reasoning. What interventions or education would you recommend?
E.) Within your paper if you use any resources please provide a reference page

Health Medical Homework Help