Economics Homework Help. MMHA 6400 Walden University Healthcare Financial Management & Economics Paper
“Economics Homework Help”,
“text”: “Economics Homework Help. MMHA 6400 Walden University Healthcare Financial Management & Economics Paper
A Medicare Cost Report (MCR) collects descriptive data, both Financial and Statistical in nature to identify if a facility has been over or Underpaid for Medicare patients. The data is also utilized to set Prospective payments. MCRs are in place for Institutional Providers not Physicians and remains the ONLY national data available for all types of providers, Profit, Not for Profit, and Governmental.Typical providers are: Hospitals, SNFs, HHA, Hospice, Renal Dialysis centers, FQHC and CAH (Critical Access Hospitals)For this week, your assignment is to explore the role the MCR plays in a value – based health care system. Specifically, address issues included in the report like facility characteristics, utilization data, cost, and charges by cost center. Furthermore, choose two utilization metrics (data) and address how it has impacted the facility of your choice.Please select a hospital setting. You must reference an actual MCR and Identify the facility you have chosen. Using the MCR Analyze the current economic trends both producing a loss and producing Revenue. What economic principles (macro and micro) are driving this shift? What element of the Medicare Cost Report did you find most valuable and whySelect a specific institution. Identify this institution and utilizing its published MCR analyze costs and revenue of at least 3 specific departments. Then, evaluate implications of this volume to the facility?s future income streamHere is a link for choosing a MCR:… Economics Homework Help”,
“url”: “/economics-homework-help-7336/”
A Medicare Cost Report (MCR) collects descriptive data, both Financial and Statistical in nature to identify if a facility has been over or Underpaid for Medicare patients. The data is also utilized to set Prospective payments. MCRs are in place for Institutional Providers not Physicians and remains the ONLY national data available for all types of providers, Profit, Not for Profit, and Governmental.
Typical providers are: Hospitals, SNFs, HHA, Hospice, Renal Dialysis centers, FQHC and CAH (Critical Access Hospitals)
For this week, your assignment is to explore the role the MCR plays in a value ? based health care system. Specifically, address issues included in the report like facility characteristics, utilization data, cost, and charges by cost center. Furthermore, choose two utilization metrics (data) and address how it has impacted the facility of your choice.
Please select a hospital setting. You must reference an actual MCR and Identify the facility you have chosen.
Using the MCR Analyze the current economic trends both producing a loss and producing Revenue. What economic principles (macro and micro) are driving this shift? What element of the Medicare Cost Report did you find most valuable and why
Select a specific institution. Identify this institution and utilizing its published MCR analyze costs and revenue of at least 3 specific departments. Then, evaluate implications of this volume to the facility?s future income stream
Here is a link for choosing a MCR:
Economics Homework Help