Humanities Homework Help. ELM 534 Alcorn State University W1 Language Acquisition Presentation
“Humanities Homework Help”,
“text”: “Humanities Homework Help. ELM 534 Alcorn State University W1 Language Acquisition Presentation
Assignment ContentChoices of how to present the assignment: You can present this assignment in an alternative format if you wish: Examples: Word Document, Power Point, Prezi, Google Presentation, Near Pod, or another alternative format. Please review the different Web Tools in the University’s Technology Resource Library.Sample Visual of AssignmentELM 534 WEEK 1 SAMPLE 2021 LANGUAGE LEARNING CONTEXT PRESENTATION FINAL.pptxRubricELM 534 WEEK 1 RUBRIC 2021 LANGUAGE LEARNING CONTEXTS PRESENTATION.docxCreate a 10- to 12-slide presentation for primary reading teachers or parents of young children in which you emphasize principles of language acquisition as it pertains to reading development by describing an exceptional at-home or classroom learning context for primary readers and writers.Describe the following environmental elements in your presentation:Physical description and layout of primary grade level classroom or one child- and one family-centered room in a home (kitchen, play room, child’s bedroom)Toys, technology, texts, resources, and materialsRoutines, traditions, and expectationsDaily scheduleMeaningful at-home activities and interactionsInclude the following principles in your presentation:Evidence of current language acquisition and literacy theories, standards, and researchSupport for primary readers’ experiential, cognitive, social, emotional, cultural, and linguistic developmentMeaningful classroom or at-home activities and interactions that influence children’s language acquisition and readingThe roles that sight words, the alphabet, and phonological awareness play in children’s transition from oral to written languageSupport for the conversational and academic language development of English learnersSubmit your assignment.ResourcesCenter for Writing ExcellenceReference and Citation Generator Humanities Homework Help”,
“url”: “/humanities-homework-help-6641/”
Assignment Content
Choices of how to present the assignment: You can present this assignment in an alternative format if you wish: Examples: Word Document, Power Point, Prezi, Google Presentation, Near Pod, or another alternative format. Please review the different Web Tools in the University?s Technology Resource Library.Sample Visual of AssignmentELM 534 WEEK 1 SAMPLE 2021 LANGUAGE LEARNING CONTEXT PRESENTATION FINAL.pptx
Create a 10- to 12-slide presentation for primary reading teachers or parents of young children in which you emphasize principles of language acquisition as it pertains to reading development by describing an exceptional at-home or classroom learning context for primary readers and writers.Describe the following environmental elements in your presentation:
Physical description and layout of primary grade level classroom or one child- and one family-centered room in a home (kitchen, play room, child?s bedroom)
Toys, technology, texts, resources, and materials
Routines, traditions, and expectations
Daily schedule
Meaningful at-home activities and interactions
Include the following principles in your presentation:
Evidence of current language acquisition and literacy theories, standards, and research
Support for primary readers? experiential, cognitive, social, emotional, cultural, and linguistic development
Meaningful classroom or at-home activities and interactions that influence children?s language acquisition and reading
The roles that sight words, the alphabet, and phonological awareness play in children?s transition from oral to written language
Support for the conversational and academic language development of English learners
Submit your assignment.Resources
Center for Writing Excellence
Reference and Citation Generator
Humanities Homework Help